After that was over, we shipped out to Norfolk to have our degaussing installed; that protects the ship from magnetic mines. From Norfolk we headed for the Panama Canal. I was assigned to the First Lieutenant. On a Navy Ship, he is something like the First Mate except he is only involved in the Ship not the personnel. That is the Exec's job. I really got along with the First Lieutenant; he was a Merchant Marine Reserve Officer - a lean, dark Irishman from Boston, Joseph J. Flaherty.
From Panama we went to San Pedro where we got our Pacific paint job; a uniform dull blue. Atlantic camouflage was a dazzle black and gray. We wound up in San Diego for a couple of months. They
were assembling an invasion fleet and we practiced landings on San Clemente Island. The surf was usually quite heavy and we wrecked some landing craft, which had to be replaced.
Our first enemy action was at Kwajalien; we were about three miles off the beach at the island with an airfield. It was manned by Japanese Royal Marines, most of whom were actually Koreans and they were much bigger than Japanese.
One of the big problems were the covered drainage ditches. Our troops would secure an area but would find they had overrun some of the Japanese hiding in the ditches. They would pop up, kill as many as they could before being killed themselves.
We lost our first crewman, Mc Hugh, a married man in his late 30s, with children. He had been drafted from a small town in West Virginia. We also lost a young crewman. He was walking along the deck, stepped over a winch cable, which flew up and caught him between the legs. He fell through an open hatch and landed on the concrete lowest hull deck.
Soon, invasions and all that came with war became a regular part of life for Joe Ermer and his crew mates. Stay tuned for more on the life of a true friend, mentor, artist and role model: Joseph "Joe" N. Ermer.
Joseph "Joe" N. Ermer Memoirs (click links below to view/hear):
Celebration of Life: Joseph N. Ermer
Celebration of life: early childhood: Joseph N. Ermer
Celebration of Life: sports in the early years: Joseph N. Ermer
Celebration of Life: early years: Boy Scouts: Joseph N. Ermer
Celebration of Life: WWII part one: Joseph N. Ermer
Celebration of Life: WWII part two: Joseph N. Ermer
Celebration of Life: WWII part three: Joseph N. Ermer
Celebration of Life: WWII part four: Joseph N. Ermer