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Jan 31, 2016

Mike Lacche Boxing Magazine: February, 2016

Mike Lacche, 102th Birthday Anniversary!

February 13, 2016 -- Happy 102th birthday anniversary, Mike Lacche! We all can look back at when we were very young and find those people who in such a natural and giving way inspired us to dream big, be proud of our own histories and to believe we too are a part of a greater journey.

I'm confident if Mike Lacche were alive today, he would say something to the effect of, "write about someone important." My grandfather had no idea that he was important, that like many from the Greatest Generation, jumping out of an airplane in WWII into enemy territory was bravery that no medal can capture. My grandfather could have no idea that everyday getting up to work until the stars were at night, just so his family could have a better life, was a gift that is alive and well three generations later, and counting.

Mike Lacche always described himself as a "simple man" but I stand here, now one year from his 103rd birthday anniversary, to tell you that he was a great man because anyone willing to repeatedly risk their life, dreams, and golden years to help enable the next generations is simply a hero. I proudly spend every day of my life sharing his story.

Mike Lacche -- thank you, Sir. Happy birthday.

Jan 1, 2016

Mike Lacche Boxing Magazine: January, 2016

Happy New Year! Mike Lacche Boxing welcomes you, one of the more than 5,216 unique readers in more than 10 countries. 

We begin our countdown for the 102nd anniversary of the birthday of  S/Sgt. Michael "Mike" Anthony Lacche, United States Army Welterweight Base Boxing Champion, Fort Kamehameha, Hawaii, 1942.

S/Sgt. Jack Q. McCary (Waltham, Mass).

S/Sgt. Michael "Mike" Anthony Lacche (La'Kay) 1914 -1989 represented the fighting spirit that our service men and women take every day when defending our freedom.

Joseph "Joe" N. Ermer 1918 - 2012 was a wonderful role model, artist, friend and true competitor. Joe Ermer was a WWII Veteran with the United States Navy and spent every day after his military service helping those around him. Joe was a passionate billiards player and always brought the best out of everyone.