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Mar 15, 2012

Road to the '42 Title: Fort Kamehameha History Part I

S/Sgt. Michael "Mike" Anthony Lacche (La'KAY), United States Army Welterweight Base Boxing Champion, Fort Kamehameha, Hawaii, 1942
Much of the land of Fort Kamehameha was once that of the King of Hawai'i, Kamehameha I (click here to read on official Hawaiian site). Located in Honolulu, the land has both deep religious meaning and strategic significance. After ownership of the land was passed through the Hawaiian Monarchy, it eventually came under the stewardship of Queen Emma of Hawai'i.

Eventually, Hawai'i was annexed by the United States and become acquired by the U.S. Federal Government in 1907. The Fort was officially dedicated as Fort Kamehameha in 1909; 32 years later, Mike Lacche won the base Welterweight Championship. (click here to read more about the history of the Fort on Wikipedia).