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Feb 19, 2012

Road to the'42 Title: Vildo Cerasoli

S/Sgt. Michael "Mike" Anthony Lacche (La'KAY), United States Army Welterweight Base Boxing Champion, Fort Kamehameha, Hawaii, 1942
Michael "Mike" A. Lacche wasn't a Hollywood story; like many of his generation, childhood ended far too early and in an afternoon his life went from surviving under the radar to keeping his family alive. Mike's father, Domenico, died one unseasonably warm afternoon in a construction accident and in an instant the family was without a father, income and protection from the world around them.

Mike left grade school went to work in any job that would take him; his only protection was the few boxing skills his father had taught him. Mike and his brother Nick were the only two of their family left to take care of their mother, Anna.

It was hard enough getting to the local shoe shop without getting into a fight - and no sense to run since the same kids lived a block away. It was just reality - winning or losing the fight didn't matter - but standing in and taking and giving a shot defined how the neighborhood thought and treated you.

Then the economics came in; the better you fought; the more fierce you defended yourself; the more food came your way. If a kid was lucky, bystanders might even throw a few pennies on the ground before the police came.

Before the war, Mike met up with Vildo Cerasoli; a fellow Italian-American who shared his simple view of the world: learning everything you can, adapt or die, never take a step back, live today like it is your last. Vildo would become a mentor, friend and eventually, brother-in-law.

Vildo would spend his career on the sea; rising to high positions with the Port of New York and paving the way for shipping commerce around the world. Vildo's savings and sacrifice would position future generations of the family to build something wonderful and lasting; and although a measured period of uncertainty would follow after his passing - his legacy survived and continues strong to this very day.

Vildo and Nina (Mike's future wife) arrived in the United States on January 18, 1922 aboard the Presidente Wilson. They left Capestrano, Italia like hundreds of thousands before them - with the hopes of a better life and a fresh opportunity.

Vildo and Mike were stubborn, determined, humble and focused men. Family first - always. They had no guarentee of a better life; but would fight to the very end trying.